Monday, January 30, 2006

At the moment, I'm experiencing a bit of insomnia.

Damn margarita!

I'm not much of a drinker, but I hate how alcohol has the same effect as caffeine-- it keeps me up at night. But I had made plans with my friend for an after-work drink, so I'm to blame. Sometimes alcohol does knock me out, but not tonight. Oh well.

Recently I've been watching episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus. God, they're such a riot. My favorite sketches so far have got to be the "Spanish Inquisition" and "Spam". Joe thinks Monty Python is just not funny at all, but I think it's comic brilliance. At least I know a few people who share my opinion.

I've also been watching Marmalade Boy on DVD (again). The first time, I rented it; this time I own the DVDs. It's such a good manga/anime, and personally, I think it's way better than The OC.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A sneak peek: the group portrait of me and my coworkers. Guess which one is me.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Happy New Year, guys and gals!

Stuff that happened since I last wrote:

- Visited my family in California with the hubby for Christmas vacation. Sampled a few of sister Mel's culinary delights (she's studying to become a pastry chef). Her tiramisu and Nutella cupcakes were especially good. Also went to a few of our old haunts and realized how much we missed living in the Bay Area.

- My good friend (and boss) Chris is leaving for a year on world travel (the lucky bastard ^_^). This past Friday my coworkers and I gave him a proper sendoff party. As a going-away present, I gave him an illustrated group portrait of everyone from work (after getting people to sign near their heads), and also one of him and me. Took many sleepless nights to complete it, but it was a lot of fun doing so. I'll post those pictures on here at some point.

Chris was such a joy to work with. I'm really gonna miss him.

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